The Barnabas Ministry is a ministry of encouragement for the Pastor, Deacons and Church Leaders.
Public Relations
The major task of public relations is to make Christ known. In fact, public relations can be defined as “making friends for Christ and His Church.” One writer even took the abbreviation, P.R., and said it could stand for “Proclaim the Redeemer.” In all public relations, the church should be careful and see to it that Christ is glorified.
Culinary Arts
The culinary ministry is responsible for all food serving at Greater St. Mary MBC. The ministry has accountability and oversees the operation, use, cleanliness, and maintenance of the church kitchen and its equipment. The Culinary Arts Ministry provides food for all special occasions, upon request from other GSM ministries, whether a full dinner or just appetizers. The Culinary Arts Ministry also provides food for funerals, receptions and other church supported activities.
To Minister to the sick and shut-in-members of our congregation by offering love, compassion, encouragement, and prayers to those who are unable to make it into the walls of the church due to times of hospitalization, surgery or extended illness.
Foreign Missions
In partnership with Louisiana Home and Foreign Missions Baptist Convention, Inc. (LaH&FMBSC) and under the Auspices of National Baptist Convention of America, Inc (NBCA). Greater St. Mary Missionary Baptist Church (GSM) has launched a financial campaign to help meet the needs of five under developed countries (Ghana, Haiti, Jamaica, Panama and the Virgin Islands).
Our Foreign Mission call is rooted in the Great Commission:
Matthew 28:19-20 “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you”.

Volunteer Ministry
This ministry is for using your gifts and skills to help in varies
Ministry Events, etc.
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