Tribal Ministry
This ministry consists of 12 groups named after the 12 Tribes of Israel. It provides a way for each member to be accounted for other than in their Church School Classes. Also, to ensure everyone will have the opportunity to fellowship and form relationships in a small setting within the larger church body.
Small Groups
To provide a place for new members to connect to the church and become integrated into the congregation and provide better connection for current members.

The primary purpose of the GSM Safety & Security Ministry is to maintain a peaceful, safe environment which is conducive to teaching, learning, working, living, and sharing in the Word of our Lord and Savior. The program will work through its dedicated members to actively solicit and encourage the cooperation of the church family by following basic rules and guidelines.
This ministry helps provide safe transportation to and from church services.

Youth Ministry
Greater St. Mary Missionary Baptist Church (GSM) Purpose Driven Youth Ministry (PDYM) is a healthy Ministry whose foundation reflects the Five Purposes of the Church and it’s strategies defines why we do what we do; what we do work in concert with what God has called us to do.
Young Adults
Young Adult Ministry (YAM) of Greater St. Mary MBC seeks to provide spiritual and social outreach to men and women. We wish to promote moral and spiritual structure in order to empower our lives as disciples of Jesus Christ. This group includes those between the ages of 18-35 having the following status’ singles, married, widowed, and divorced with or without children, encourages proper spiritual and moral principles to empower Christians to live as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Men & Boys' Fellowship
GSM’s purpose driven structure was designed to bring that friendly chaos into focus to help you achieve balance, avoid extremity, fulfill the five purposes of the church and create a degree of order in your day to day living.
Women's Ministry
The Bible should be the central focus of a vital Women’s Mission program. God’s word is what people hunger and thirst for, often without realizing that the Bible is what they need. You can get women to come to varied programs that interest them, but you will not have the spiritual growth desired without consistent teaching of the scripture as relevant to the lives of women today. The goal of an effective mission should always be to develop Maturity (Discipleship) Ephesians 4:11-13; I Peter 2:2.
A Women’s Mission program must be designed to meet the needs of all women of the church, and they will be at many different spiritual levels – the young lambs and the mature sheep.
Health Awareness Team (HAT)
The purpose of the Health Awareness Team (HAT) is led by the vision and core values of Greater St. Mary Missionary Baptist Church (GSM) through health education, prevention and awareness. As GSM family members come together around the Word of God (Evangelizing People), the Health & Wellness Ministry will help equip members with Christ-centered education (Edifying Missions) to ensure they understand that health is as an integral part of serving God. As the church family is united in the ministry of the body as well as the spirit, we are then prepared (Equipping Believers) to dramatically improve the health outlook, attitudes and well-being of our congregation and the communities we serve (Enriching Persons).
Mother & Deaconess
The Mothers & Deaconess is a group within the Church composed of older women of good character, wisdom and love of the church. This ministry was formed to promote the cause of Christ and teach the younger women in the church.
Children's Ministry
GSM Children’s Ministry/Church School exist to TARGET the children of our Community as we teach them to draw NEAR to God by studying His word. INVITE them to serve others as the ADVANCE, share their gifts in service and SHOUT Jesus is Lord.
S-hout- Worship
A-dvance- Ministry
I-nvite- Fellowship
N-ear- Discipleship
T-arget- Evangelism
Seasoned Saints
The purpose for the Seasoned Saints Ministry is to create deeper fellowship by encouraging our fellow Brothers and Sisters and to continue to look for opportunities to minister to others.

Vehicle Maintenance
Greater St. Mary Vehicle Preventive Maintenance Ministry is to oversee the maintenance needs of all GSM Vehicles.
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